So, what's the difference actually?
According to wikipedia, macaron is a sweet confectionery made with egg whites, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond powder or ground almond, and food coloring. The macaron is commonly filled with buttercream or jam filling sandwiched between two cookies.
Macaroon is a type of light, baked confection, described as either small cakes or meringue-like cookies depending on their consistency.
Therefore for a layman like me, I can conclude that basically macaron is two macaroons sandwiched together :). Is that correct? Wow, that's a relief to know!
Although this post is late, I would like to document my adventure baking these little creatures. They have feet you know, that's why I refer them as 'creatures'...
I tried several times, the last one better than the previous ones (Thank God!). Anyway, it does not matter if you got it wrong, although they don't look as you expect them to be, the taste is still the same. In other words, if your macarons become a disaster, you can rename it to macaroon, isn't that swell? :)
As you can see here, this is my first try... they looked nice on the baking tray, looking all pink and healthy...
In conclusion, there is still room for improvement!
This adventure is just the beginning...
bestnya macaron kak sura menjadi. aja punya tak jadi langsung. lembik je adunan tu. last2 order je la kt org.. tu kes mengidam punya pasal.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing macaroons and really like the pictures, wonder what they taste like?
ReplyDeleteHi ireminisces,
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by. Macaron/macarons are made with white eggs, icing sugar and almond meal. And also coloring. They are sinfully sweet! The outer part is crunchy but the inside is soft. Only the filling that make the taste different.
Aja, lepas akak buat macaron-macaron tu, terus akak order dari kawan akak Sebab nak tengok dan rasa camner yang sebenar-benarnya :). Mahal gila harganya!
ReplyDeleteConclusion: rasa sama, cuma kena belajar buat filling yang bermacam-macam. And to make sure bentuk macaron consistent, kena belajar the italian way. So far akak try the french way aje!
Your post on silver is up on my blog feel free to comment, jazakAllah and stay blessed.
ReplyDeleteThanks ireminisces. Sure, I will look up that post:) Must be interesting!