It has been quite some time that I last updated this blog. I'm not sure why, but the internet was down since last week, and it took one week before 'somebody' could make it up again. Cost me about RM 300.00, and I have to surrender myself to the wireless choice, thogh I'm not really comfortable using wifi at home. Too much microwave around the kids! I'm concerned about their health in the long run since scientific studies on using wireless connections (including using handphones unnecessarily near the kids) are still not conclusive on it's side effects to human beings in the long run (still at infancy stage).
Anyway, hopefully, this wireless setup won't be troublesome.
Okay, enough on that. Here's my baking project during my 'internet silence'...

These yummy cheese tarts took a lot of time to prepare, but it's worth my time. I used strawberry instead of blueberry filling. Enough to share with my parents, sister and brought some for daughter Diana at SSP.

Aren't you drooling by just looking at these beautiful tarts? Hehehe, I know you are... especially Adek, whom I dedicate this posting to....:)
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